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Oshkosh Chamber Singers
Your support
makes our music possible

By Mail
Make your check payable to Oshkosh Chamber Singers, and mail your donation to Oshkosh Chamber Singers | Box 2252 | Oshkosh, WI 54903-2252
The Oshkosh Chamber Singers is a 501(c)3 organization.
All contributions are tax-deductible.
All proceeds from our fundraising and ticket sales go directly back into the organization and its mission.

Your gifts help defray essential operational costs such as:
Purchasing music for our singers
Renting quality concert spaces
​Hiring guest soloists and instrumentalists​
Donors are listed in our concert programs in this manner:
Benefactor: $1000 or more
Advocate: $500 to $999
Patron: $250 to $499
Sponsor: $100 to $249
Friend: up to $100
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